
We first discovered coffee at a young age from our grandfather who made the connection that bean quality is the key to exceptional coffee.  Like him, we choose only high quality beans and employ our own special techniques to develop the flavor, sweetness, and body of the coffee during our hands-on roasting process. 

Our roasting process begins with extraordinary green coffee beans from exceptional locations. The beans are expensive simply because their quality is directly proportional to the insanely challenging efforts of certain farmers around the globe to produce the best of the best. We typically refer to these producers as the “one percent,” and we reward them financially for their masterful work.

Those who are passionate about single origin coffee often compare it to fine wine because of its complexity.  However, we believe that specialty coffee is more like craft beer. Why? Quality craft brewers, like specialty coffee roasters, are breaking the rules and using innovative techniques to enhance the taste and sensory experience of their products. 

Like craft brewers, we share the desire and passion to continually improve our product by using the finest ingredients, old and new techniques, and leading industry equipment.  The result is a new kind of coffee—one far different and far better than in our grandfather’s time.

The team at Pumphouse Coffee Roasters firmly believes that everyone should have access to exceptional coffee.  We roast to order in small batches.  No cutting corners, so you can thoroughly enjoy each cup.